June 28, 2024: The bytran line-by-line software website is now hosted at bytran.by
June 28, 2024:  The bytran.by domain will be hosted in Belarus due to the U.S. export control and embargo related clause (Section 35) in the Universal Terms of Service of the bytran.org new hosting provider.
July 19, 2024: It has been noticed that some links stopped working after trasfering the website to bytran.by.  This includes links to the source code files and executables for the last 1.4 release.  This issue is being fixed.
June 21, 2024: The bytran app on Google Play will become unavailable after August 4, 2024 unless an update to the application is issued by August 4, 2024.  As a temporary solution we will try to carry out a recompile of version 1.4 and upload it to the Google Play store by then to keep the application/account active.
June 7, 2024: The partial content transfer to bytran.by announced earlier and a switch to a new web-hosting provider is planned for June 24 - 29, 2024.
April 16, 2024: In the next couple of months all bytran software related content on this website will be moved to a new domain bytran.by.   Bytran.org remain operational and will retain a link to bytran.by but will be devoted to other work (unrelated to the bytran software) including the studies of ADRES and the work towards the development BUMP.
December 14, 2023: The development of bytran software is getting delayed due to the recent international travel (of the developer) and to the studies of ADRES and the work towards the development BUMP.
August 31, 2023: We were notified on August 30, 2023 that our BUMP (PNG print screen) presentation was declined for publication by the conference chairs and withdrawn by the chairs due to its content.  Here is a copy of the manuscript which got declined.  BUMP was our main presentation for this conference.  As such we will not be attending the conference for the bytran 1.5 (PNG print screen) presentation alone.  
June 15, 2023: We will have two presentations (BUMP (PNG print screen) and bytran 1.5 (PNG print screen)) at the 2023 SPIE Remote Sensing held in Amsterdam, Netherlands.  Bytran 1.5 will likely be developed using Qt version 6 and not be compileabe with earlier Qt versions such as Qt 5.15.2 due to the changes in the Qt implementation of the Android permissions requests.
April 6, 2023 March 22, 2023:  We will not be making the March 22, 2023 deadline.  However the work on bytran is now being resumed.  We will post an update on the progress here after June 15, 2023 May 25, 2023.
December 2, 2022:  Based on multiple requirements we have established the deadline for the bytran 1.5 update.  The updated deadline is March 22, 2023.
December 2, 2022:  There has been a switch of servers where the bytran.org website is hosted which resulted (among other changes) in a different handling of the SSL certificates.  Due to this switch the bytran might no longer initizlize properly (get stuck at the splash screen and fail to start).  This issue will only be properly fixed with the bytran 1.5 update.
August 1, 2022:  Beginning November 1, 2022 the visibility of bytran on Google Play will be further reduced to exclude newer devices (see this announcement: Target API level requirements for Google Play apps).
May 27, 2022:
 Bytran deactivated on the App Store likely due to the lack of updates in over 3 years (more information).
www.bytran.org -|- Page created May 15, 2023 - last edited November 12, 2024
✉  Email:  bytran@bytran.org
© 2023 Dzianis Pliutau